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Office of Institutional Advancement

About Katherine Bingham

Kristen Stoll

Katherine Bingham

Director of Stewardship & Donor Relations
About Katherine's Role

Katherine is responsible for oversight of donor scholarships, endowed funds, and ensuring Carroll utilizes gifts for the purpose they have been designated. She provides oversight and coordinates a variety of events, communications, and programming to help nurture relationships and demonstrate meaningful appreciation to donors at all levels of giving, especially Old Main Society membership. Of her role, she says, "I deeply love Carroll and am humbled to help celebrate the generations of individuals and families that have made Carroll the vibrant campus we are today."

Katherine asks:

Working on a historic campus is very rewarding as I love the architecture and blend of historical and modern facilities throughout campus. What is your favorite building at Carroll?

One thing most people don’t know about Katherine:

She has been to Japan three times and loves all things about the Japanese culture.

Some of Katherine's hobbies:
  • Going to concerts and enjoying live music
  • Sewing and quilting
  • Yoga
  • Nature walks with my two wonderful kids
  • She is also a huge Disney enthusiast!
Katherine's go to coffee order:

Chai latte with coconut milk. "Try it and you won’t regret it!"

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